Update on the Earthquake (Nothing Event/Touhou Related)
- 2011-03-17 (Thu)
This update is only on the English side of the webpage, since people in Japan have seen a lot of this and some of us are probably already sick of the endless earthquake reports.
I live in Chiba, which is the eastern part of the Kanto Region / Tokyo Metropolitan Area, fairly close to the Pacific Touhoku region struck by the earthquake, but not as damaged. (We still did have a few tsunami casualties near the coast, though.) This is far better than what you'll see up farther north from here, but here's a few photos of what people living near Tokyo saw after the Tohoku Region Pacific Ocean Earthquake on March 11. (All photos taken in Chiba, Tokyo, Kanagawa Prefectures.) I carry a camera around most of the time. :P

Liquefaction or water pipe leak after the earthquake. We are still getting muddy/rusty water where I live. The regional water department come with water trucks once in a while.

Cracked road. This is the worst one I saw in the neighborhood. I hear it's worse in the town next door and other regions with heavy liquefaction.

Someone's garage collapsed. Luckily no one seems hurt, but the car looks like it's in a pretty bad shape. (Note: this garage roof balcony is not part of the main building, so it probably doesn't follow the construction code's quake-resistance standards. I mean, it does look pretty top heavy.)

At the pachinko shop in front of the station. I saw a lot of similar cracks elsewhere, where tiles/blocks at the edge of the structure were shifted.

Anther one here. Thisi is the station building itself.

Supermarket shelves where packaged bread were supposed to be. After the earthquake, everyone in the greater Tokyo region rushed to buy food that can be eaten without gas/electricity and bread/cup noodles were out of stock. (Although you sort of need heat for noodles. :P They can be prepared with cold water, but it doesn't taste as well.)

Inside Oshiage Station after the rolling blackouts were announced. The train schedules were in disarray so the LCD display wasn't showing anything.
Anyway, we haven't returned to normalcy yet. There are lack of supplies, mainly due to the paniked shoppers and the paralyzed transportation system not being able to carry goods where they need to be. There are huge waits at the gas station, the trains are crowded and take forever to arrive, and the Fukushima plant still being shutdown, but really, all of us here in the Kanto region paniking isn't going to help the disaster victims in Touhoku at all. So really, I guess it's time to take it easy, and try to help out wherever we can.
Wish the best for everyone.
Reitaisai Cancelled
- 2011-03-12 (Sat)
Due to the Tohoku Region Pacific Ocean Earthquake on March 11, Tokyou Big Sight took damage and all events
occuring there during the weekend including the 8th Annual Hakurei Shrine Reitaisai has been cancelled.
Stock of doujin stuff after the shock.
There hasn't been a response from PICO, which is printing the book for us, so I am not sure when/how it will be released yet.
Everyone at ddiction (N-Forza, Nonomy, Talka) is fine as of 5 am in the morning. (Nonomy stopped tweeting, so I think he went to sleep.)
That's it for now, and I pray for everyone's well-being.
What was supposed to be Reitaisai
- 2011-03-12 (Sat)
Our booth location is...
The final book in the series
NEW HORI-ZUN: English Course 3 will be released. Along
with KirbyM (Walfas) we have 3 international guests
and 4 Japanese artists participating in this 56 page
full color English textbook!
Illustrations (Foreign)
http://www.walfas.org/ Pixiv ID: 153845
http://www.miluda.com/ Pixiv ID: 161480
http://littleshrimp.deviantart.com/ Pixiv ID:
http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=1320405 Pixiv
ID: 1320405
lllustrations (Japanese)
http://www.puni-hakase.org/ Pixiv ID: 4868
不二 http://az.geo.jp/
Pixiv ID: 305121
粗茶 http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=10210 Pixiv ID:
http://d.hatena.ne.jp/denkodenko/ Pixiv ID: 67857
Price: 900 yen at the event, 1,200 yen at stores
- 2011-02-07 (Mon)
Akyu Only Event "Nineth Generation Tea Party"
February 20, 2011 (Sun.)
Kyoto Miyako Messe 1F Second Exhibition Room AB Floors
Booth Number: 求(Kyu)-42 "ddiction"
Eigth Annual Hakurei Shrine
March 13, 2011 (Sun.)
Tokyo Big Sight East Exhibition Halls
Booth Number:
の(No)-18b "ddiction"
M3-2011 Spring (27th)
May 1, 2011 (Sun.)
Tokyo Ryutsu Center (TRC) First Exhibition Hall A~D
Booth Number:
Happy (Belated) New Year!
- 2011-02-7 (Mon)
Kind of late, but Happy Nyaa Year!
(This is Shiro from my aunt's place.)
I'll be graduating university in April, so I think I
won't be as active, but I'll still be participating in
larger events such as Comiket and Reitaisai, so come
visit if you are interested and happen to be near
Comic Market 79 Information
- 2010-12-18 (Sat) [Last Updated on 28]
Booth location is...
December 30 (Thurs.Day 2) East 2 Hall "T"60a
And this is our new book!
There were voices (from Japanese readers) that the
text was too difficult. So, here it is, a study guide
for the NEW HORI-ZUN 1 with Japanese translations and
enunciation guides! The text (other than the cover) is
in black and white, only 400 yen compared to the 800
yen of the original book, so it's also for those of
you who found the original book too expensive!
There's also going to be 2 new folders! An Akyu folder
illustrated by Denko (Peperoncino
Candy) and a Create.swf one with
Hatate and Kasen added. Both at 200 yen.
We'll also be distributing "Gensokyo Otokonoko
Calendar 2010" by Circle PYS at 900 yen each. Here's
the link. (Cosplay Images!)
List of Items
++ Books ++
(New) NEW HORI-ZUN: English Course 1 Study Guide 400
(Reprint) NEW HORI-ZUN: English Course 1 800
++ Folders++
(New) Hieda no Akyu Floral Patterned File Folder
Walfas Create.swf File Folder DS+
NEW HORI-ZUN Alphabet File Folder 200
Alice File Folder 300
(plans to lower price)
IS THAT SO File Folder 200
(low stock)
Walfas (9)Crew File Folder 200 yen (found few from end
of year cleaning)
++ Other Merchandise ++
Small Buttons (Round) 100
Aki Sister's Button (Square) 200
(low stock)
I participated in a all-genre- paper-cutting anthology
[Kiriai 2010: Gaiden]
by Tsubameyado. Please take a look if you are
interested! They are located at T-24b on day 2.
Seems Tsubameyado will also be releasing full color
Touhou paper-cutting book as well!
That's about it regarding new releases! If there's
anything else, I'll update the page again.
We've been introduced on Sushi's Apuraji! Thanks!
Spiral Tea Party 4th Season & Comiket
- 2010-11-14 (Sun)
Firstly, the corner of the square Aki Sister badge
that was distributed in Koromu is very sharp. Please be
careful when handling it.
Secondly, please we made it in to Comiket. Our booth
will be on the Second Day, East District T-60a.
The booth information is available on
twitcomike as well.
As for the Spirat Tea Party on the 21st, I'm quite
busy, so I probably won't be there after the event
opens, but N-Forza will be around. We will be
distributing these button pins. They are quite small
but just 100 yen each. We will also have the square
Aki Sisters pin from Koromu at 200 yen each and
file folders at 200 to 300 yen each. Please note that
we don't have any NEW HORI-ZUN books this time.
By the way, I might have the button pins available at
Hiyoshi SOS Brigade's Cosplay Cafe at Mita
Festival (webpage in Japanese). Considering the days I can go to Mita
Festival. it'll probably be only on 22nd to 23rd. (Mita Festival itself is going on from November 20 to
Touhou Koromu
- 2010-10-07 (Thu)
Hello! I won't be going to Koromu, but there will
be a new release. It's still in a trial phase, so
there won't be that many, but there'll be a few pin
It'll be released at
D-06a Mapoze
* Kind of late but, it was D-09a
The design will be like below. It's a 40mm square
Hakurei Shrine Reitaisai Special Information
- 2010-09-15 (Wed)
I posted the cover image and the location, but
wasn't able to get the Comiket details up in time,
sorry. Anyway, thanks to anyone who came by!
Our booth at Reitaisai SP will be R-28a
There'll be a new folder with an alphabet chart done
in the NEW HORI-ZUN style @ 200 yen each.
I'll be bringing more of the Alice Folders (300 yen),
IS THAT SO folders (200 yen) and NEW HORI-ZUN1, which
happened to be left over. There's less than 100, so
this'll probably be the last of them, unless I decide
to do another run, which won't be anytime soon, at
least. I don't have anymore NEW HORI-ZUN2 at hand,
they are still in the stores, so please get them
there, thanks.
See you there! (To anyone participating.)
Accepted to Comiket
- 2010-06-06 (Sun)
It's been a while since the last update but, we'll be
August 14(Sat,
Day 2)
East 6 Hall "ネ(Ne)"21a
We'll be releasing NEW HORI-ZUN 2, details TBA.
There's probably going to be a CD with it this time.
Important Announcement
- 2010-03-18 (Wed)
Regarding Parsee Anthology Pricing
I've mistakenly collected 2,500 yen from some people
who bought the Parsee Anthology during Reitaisai. I
apologize for the error. Those who did pay the extra
500 yen, please contact Mapoze through the address
below to get a refund of the difference through wire
transfer or other means.
Contact Address: main[_AT_]mapoze.com
7th Annual Hakurei Shrine Reitaisai Booth Location (Update: Mar.13)
- 2010-02-16 (Tue)
We'll be at...
Well, I think the image speaks for itself. (Ya, it's
you-know-who... Apologies to the fans ><; ) This time
we had some assistance from
Circle PYS. It's made so the image on top kind of
acts as a filter and you can see the characters
dancing in the back.
It arrived just now, so a new image! (Mar.13)
To the left is the T-shirt by Circle PYS. The folder
becomes silhouette-only when there's a paper stuck in
And there's a huge mistake on the folder. It's
supposed to be "APPARITIONS" not "APPARATIONS."
It's an unacceptable error for a circle
that makes English textbooks, sorry! It somehow managed to
slip through the checks of two English speakers.
Thanks to KirbyM for pointing it out... although it
was too late for corrections. (Mar. 11)
We'll be bringing...
"IS THAT SO" File Folder (New!) 200 yen
NEW HORI-ZUN1 (Reprint Edition) 800 yen
Walfas (9) Crew File Folder 200 yen
Walfas Create.swf File Folder ver. UFO 200 yen
Aki Sisters' Anthology File Folder 300 yen
Walfas Yuyuko Accesory 400 yen
We'll aslo be distributing
Mizuhashi Parsee Anthology Project (by
2,500 yen 2,000 yen
"IS THAT SO" T-shirt(by
Circle PYS)1,500 yen
We are low on file folder stocks. I'll try to reprint
them when I have the funds, but I don't at the moment,
so hurry if you want them now.
We've been introduced on Sushi's Apuraji! Thanks!
- 2010-02-16 (Tue)
We'll be at...
Comic Market 77 Happened
- 2010-02-16 (Tue)
Extremely belated update here, but thanks to everyone who came to our Comiket booth! It got kind of messy in the morning, but it turned out alright thanks to everyone's cooperation and a bit of help from our neighbors.
Comic Market 77 Information
- 2009-12-17 (Thu)
NEW HORI-ZUN 1 is finally
complete! Hooray!
This book is an elementary English course with stage 1~2
Touhou characters.
Learning English will be more fun than ever!
(Although, I suppose those of you reading this will
already be fluent in English.)
click the image to enlarge)
東方新地平 ~ NEW HORI-ZUN: English Course 1
All 32 pages in full color. B5 Touhou Doujin English
Price: 800 yen at doujin events, 1,000 yen (tax
excluded) at shops
Distribution Location: ddiction @ Day 2 East District
And another project being distributed...
Gensokyo "Otoko no Ko" Calendar 2010
Doki!☆All crossplayer B6 size calendar! How did this
For detailed information please visit the
Circle PYS website!
(Circle PYS in Japanese only, I'll attempt to translate
the calendar part later.)
* Link below includes cosplay photographs, please DO NOT
CLICK it if you dislike cosplay.
Cover Sample (Warning: Cosplay Photo)
Full Color B6-size Desktop Calendar (Cover + 6
Tentative Price: 500 yen
Participating Models: Eirin (cureID:81088), Nonomy
Retiko Shiroiwa (cureID:113341), Talka (cureID:142722)
Distribution Location: Circle PYS @ Day 3 East District
ddiction @ Day 2 East District ス[Su]-23b (Consignment)
November Events Complete
- 2009-11-24 (Tue)
Thanks to those of you who came to Fuhai Komachi Special and Koimari. Sorry for the delay in the website updates. I try to add information after everything is confirmed, which usually results in this delay. This time I had help from Ohisama (pixiv link) through intermediacy of N-Forza, so I'm terribly sorry there wasn't a proper announcement. Because of this, I will be redistributing the Koimari book at Comiket for free to anyone who purchases a copy of NEW HORI-ZUN 1.
Fuhai Komachi SP Information
- 2009-11-12 (Thu)
It's after the event (oops) but I'll post an English
version for the consistency sake. Booth location at
Fuhai Komachi Special was...
I had reprints of the "New Hori-ZUN Trials" with the
alignment problem fixed. The final version is planned
for release in the Winter Comiket. (Concept: N-Forza,
Art: KirbyM)
Upcoming Events in November
- 2009-10-30 (Fri)
Firstly, I apologize for any inconveniences I caused to
the staff and participants by deciding to not attend
Sunshine Creation last month. I'll do my best to prevent
such things from happening again.
Now, for the upcoming events. I will be attending
Fuhai Komachi Special on November 8 and
Koi no Mahou wa marisa ni Omakase! on November 23.
I'm kind of cash-strapped in November, so I don't think
there'll be new merchandise. Maybe a reprint of the
preview edition of the New Hori-ZUN textbook, since I
wasn't able to make too many of them at Sukeisai 2.
Sunshine Creation 45 & Scarlet Square 2 Information
- 2009-09-13 (Sun)
Firstly, thanks to all of you who came to visit at
Secondly, there's been a slight problem with Sunshine
Creation placement partly due to my application
inputting error. To put it quick, I won't be attending
Sunshine Creation 45. It's probably an mistake with the
Genre Code, but I've been put in an section with a lot
of NSFW sort of stuff even though I've put "No Adult
Content" on the supplementary information. I've seen
younger people visit the booth so, I find this booth
position inappropriate, and since it seems not possible
to be moved to another location, I will be withdrawing
my application to Sunshine Creation this time.
On another note, I will be attending Aka no Hiroba 2.
The booth location is...
紅18 (Aka18)
This is the new file folder. Well, it's more a revision
than something completely new. Updated with UFO
(UFO's already been released, but new characters hidden
just in case. Click to see.)
Price is 200 yen as usual. Planned for sale at doujin
shops as well.
I will be bringing...
-File Folders-
(9) Crew File Folder 200 yen
Walfas Create.swf File Folder ver. Seirensen 200 yen
Aki Sisters Anthology Commemoration File Folder 300 yen
-Cell Phone Accesory-
Walfas Chibi Kaguya Accesory 500 yen
Walfas Yuyuko Accesory 400 yen
The file folders finally arrived. Click
here to see!
Comic Market 76 Information
- 2009-08-02 (Sun)
It's summer! It's Comiket season! Hooray! (But I didn't
get accepted. OTL)
Anyway, sorry for the delay. I've received questions
about booth locations and such through KirbyM. I forgot
there are a lot of people who come to Comiket from
overseas, compared to other events, huh.
Firstly, I will be at the Reine-Musik booth most of the
time, but I don't think I'll be bringing too many Walfas
merchandise, since, well, it's not my booth space.
Please come in the afternoon when it'll probably be less
crowded, and I might be selling the Walfas merchandise.
Also, since the space is small, there might be none on
display, but ask, and I'll go get what I brought.
(International participants only. Since people living in
Japan has/had plenty of time to get the merchandise.)
Anyway, booth location is...
August 15 (Sat.), Day 2
East District N-44b
Reine Musik: Machkado Mapoze
I'll be dressed as Sizuha, so it should be pretty easy
to spot. Nakasako (who I think would be the skinny guy
with the glasses) also speaks English and several other
languages pretty well. Try not to speak to the guy
cosplaying as Minoriko in English, since he isn't too
Some Advice for Those of You New
to Comiket
If you are a first-time Comiket participant, I advise
you to research and prepare well. If you are planning to
line up for the big/famous circles, like Shanghai Alice
for example, line up for Comiket line early in the
morning (the first train in the morning recommended),
bring lots of fluids (over 1 liter is recommended) and
be equipped for the weather. If there's a rain forecast,
a poncho is recommended since umbrellas are hard to
maneuver in a crowd. If the forecast is sunny, be well
sun-protected. Put on sun-block or something since
there's something known as "Comiket Sunburn." If it's
cloudy with no rain, you are really lucky. Have small
change ready. 100/500 yen coins and 1,000 yen bills are
good. 10,000 yen bills are frowned upon by some circles.
(It depends on the price of what's being sold, but most
doujinshi are like 500 yen each.) If you want to just
stroll around and have a feeling of what it's like, come
in the afternoon at like 1~2 pm and take it easy. Just
watching the cosplay and itasha (cars painted
in anime theme) is pretty fun as well.
Touhou Sukeisai 2 Happened
- 2009-07-20 (Mon)
Thanks to all of you who came visit.
And sorry for... well, lots of stuff. I did notice there
weren't that many copies of the trial edition New
Hori-ZUN texts, but I didn't expect it to run out of
stock so quickly. The "copy book" and the Create.swf
file folders were already out of stock when I came back
from the (cosplay) dressing room.
As with the last book, I hand stapled and trimmed the
book, so I couldn't make that many. I'll think of using
a "copy book" printing service of sorts if there's a
next time. Also, there's a slight misalignment by
default due to the printer not printing on the exactly
the same spot when I did duplex printing.
And the silly looking Akyu cosplayer who's not (used to
being) photographed well was me.
Touhou Sukeisai 2 Information
- 2009-07-13 (Mon)
Sorry to keep you waiting. The new release for Sukeisai
2 has finally been decided, so, here's the announcement.
Firstly, the booth location is:
Ko-33 (コ33)
There are no new merchandise this time. Instead, we will
be distributing a trial copy of the Touhou English
textbook "New Hori-ZUN". Planned pricing is 100 yen, and
it contains 4 pages in full color. (Written by: N-Forza,
Illustrated by: KirbyM)
Sample 1 Sample
I'll bring merchandise released in previous events, but
the Create.swf file folder is running low on stock. It's
planned to be revised and reprinted after UFO is
released, but this will be the final chance to get this
current edition (up to SA).
Touhou Sukeisai 2 & Comic Market 76
- 2009-06-06 (Sun)
Accepted to Sukeisai 2, but didn't get accepted to Comic Market 76. I won't have a booth of my own, but I plan to release merchandise at a different booth. Further information will be released sometime between now and Sukeisai 2.
Akatsuki no Utage (Scarlet Moon Ball) Happened
- 2009-05-06 (Wed)
Thanks to all of you who survived through the rain and the crowd and came to visit the booth!
Akatsuki no Utage (Scarlet Moon Ball) Information
- 2009-04-23 (Thu)
The booth location at the Akatsuki no Utage 3 on May 6 is...
あ11 (A-11)
I'll be bringing file folders with the above design as well as all previously released Walfas merchandise.
- 2009-03-14 (Sat)
Overseas Touhou Artists/Musicians/Writers Wanted!
This doujinshi will be sold this coming summer Comiket (C76).
Posted details on Shrinemaiden.org forums.
Contact me or Nakasako (website below)... or post on Shrinemaiden.org if you wish to join!
Touhou Fuhai Komachi 5 Information
- 2009-03-14 (Sat)
Booth location at March 21's Fuhai Komachi 5 is...
Planned for release is..
Kaguya with Twuck Mini Keychain
500 yen
* due to the number of colors and the production lot, this is a bit more expensive than the Yuyuko one. In order to compensate for the price-raise, there will be a special discount of 100 yen, if you buy the Kaguya accessory with another merchandise at the event hall.
Due to the head size(?) this Kaguya looks larger than the Yuyuko one. The original Kaguya is by ZUN, but this childhood version is not by ZUN. Please view this flash for details.
I'll bring a few of the Yuyuko one and the (9) Crew File Folder as well.
Sixth Hakurei Shrine Reitaisai Information
- 2009-03-13 (Tue)
Moved Reitaisai information up a bit. Booth location is...
く47b (Ku-47b)
Walfas merchandise part 2, and this time it's a small Yuyuko keychain. Design is as shown below. The actual design may change slightly.
Price will be 400 yen. A small amount will be sold at doujin shops at 540 yen (tax excluded). I'll also place a sketchbook to send messages to KirbyM at Reitaisai.(Image of the actual keychain can be seen at Walfas.org. Will upload images here later.)
A doujinshi by the English/international community (Another Dream) will be released as well. It's around 50 pages, and it'll be home printed. I won't be able to make that many, and I want the books to end up in the hands of those interested in it, so, it won't be for free: it'll be sold for a small charge of 100~200 yen. Also, there wasn't enough time to prepare a new issue, so everything on the Reitaisai issue will be from a selection from the previous issues. The previous issues are distributed for free online at Another Dream.
Oh, and you can get Walfas T-shirts from the website below now! And they ship to about anywhere in the world.
http://www.zazzle.com/walfas (Touhou T-shirts Temporary Unavailable)
ddiction x walfas on Seisaku no Shiori
- 2009-02-22 (Sun)
Thanks to my friend who sent a hint to the Seisaku no Shiori (which is probably the largest Touhou news site around), our Reitaisai info got on today's article.
ddiction x walfas on "Sushi~'s Apuraji" Web Radio
- 2009-02-21 (Sat)
The Reitaisai information will be introduced on Sushi's Apuraji! The radio is in Japanese only, but you can listen to the latest Touhou arrangements as well, so come listen!
Live: (Sat) Feb. 21 21:30~ (JST) Ended!
You can listen to the rerun by following the instructions below!
To listen, click on the banner above, then scroll to down to the part that looks like below. If there is a radio on air, there will be a "ON AIR!" link. Click on the link to listen.
Sixth Hakurei Shrine Reitaisai Information
- 2009-02-17 (Tue)
Seems a bit early but here's the booth location for Reitaisai, which will be held on March 8.
く47b (Ku-47b)
I plan to release Walfas goods again, this time it's a small Yuyuko keychain. Design is as shown below. The actual design may change slightly.
Price will be 400 yen. It's as low as I can go at this lot. A small amount will be sold at doujin shops at 540 yen (tax excluded).
There's also a plan for releasing doujin works from the English/International community online.
Oh, and you can get Walfas T-shirts from the website below now! And they ship to about anywhere in the world.
http://www.zazzle.com/walfas (Touhou T-shirts Temporary Unavailable)
Aka no Hiroba (Scarlet Square) Happened
- 2009-02-16 (Mon)
Thanks to everyone who came to visit! But I suppose a lot of you reading this were unable to come. The plastic file folders will be sold from White Canvas and other doujin stores, however, I'm currently thinking of a way I can ship to people directly using Paypal. It'll be slightly expensive due to Paypal commissions, but you won't have to be able to read Japanese to buy it that way.
And, oh, darn, I forgot to take pictures... I only have the cosplay group photo.
Next event: Hakurei Shrine Reitaisai @ Tokyo Big Sight! (Mar. 8)
Aka no Hiroba (Scarlet Square) Information
- 2009-02-07 (Sat)
The booth location at Scarlet Square on Feb. 15 (Sun.) is...
ラ26 (Ra-26)
I got accepted to the 6th Hakurei Shrine Reitaisai as well, but it'd probably confuse some people to post both information here, so I'll post about Reitaisai another day.
(9) Crew Plastic File Folder (Renamed to match with Walfas.org)
1 for 200 yen
3 for 500 yen
Other than the file folders, I'll be bringing around 400 DECO Chocos. I plan to hand them out to people who buy the file folders.